Oli and The Girl’s Morning Routine


Poke poke.


Roll over.

Hair pull. Growl a warning.

Poke. Poke poke. Growl.

– Alarm –

Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs.

Roll over.

Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs. Return to bed; peek over the edge. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Run to stairs.

Get up. Walk to breakfast nook.

Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? Will it be tuna? Open the can. Put it all on my plate.

Split can of food on two plates. Walk to couch.

Okay, breakfast on two plates. Two bites here. Then to Obi’s plate. Two bites. Then to my plate. Two bites. Then to Obi’s plate. Two bites. Then to my plate. Two bites. Then to Obi’s plate. Two bites. One more bite. Back to my plate. Done.

The Boy is in the kitchen. Breakfast? Breakfast breakfast? No.

Snuggle The Girl to reward her for breakfast. Allow The Boy to scritch head when smelly, lifegiving juice is delivered. Try not to be annoyed by The Girl’s hand shifting to take juice.

Drink coffee. Good Boy.

8 responses to “Oli and The Girl’s Morning Routine

  1. TheNextMartha

    I want this life.

  2. I love the two plate eating routine, that is so what my cats do

    • My mother doesn’t like it. She separates the plates and stands between them so Obi doesn’t get bullied. Good Grandma.

      Personally, I like to see Oliver being the Alpha because sometimes it is hard to tell if he is still in control when they thunder. He’s too young not to be Alpha cat.

  3. I was actually allowed to wake up and get dressed BEFORE feeding the Queen Callie Jean this morning… I may be moving up the pecking order!

  4. We used to get the Toe Attack at breakfast time. I miss it.

    It’s actually our dog that skitters back and forth for food.

  5. lifewith4cats

    It was a pleasure to read about Olies morning ritual. I like the endless eager peaking. and then eating from two bowls just because Obi might get somethin Oli didnt. How very much like human kids.

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