
Sometimes I don’t get a lot of interaction from my social media posts for my clients. There are just days when no one is talking.

Then there are days when everyone is talking. Like when National Beer Day and National No Housework Day are the same day. And, of course, those are also the days that I have other projects on which to work.

But there are many hours in the day and, as long as I’ll spend some of them on the couch, Kitten Thunder is willing to work with me.


Oliver helped me with the sound editing for a podcast tonight. If he’d had his way it would have been four minutes long and the music track would have drowned out the human voices.

But he’s very post modern about this sort if thing.

We’re sending some purr therapy therapy out to Goblin tonight. He’s in kitty hospital tonight for pee problems.

We offered to give him Obi’s appointment time tomorrow, but it turned out to be an urgent problem. It is good that we didn’t have to push our appointment. Obi is in perfect health and is just getting his annual exam and play time. But Oliver is in desperate need of his allergy shot. I’m sure we’ll be talking more about this on Thursday.

Hi Grandma!


2 responses to “Podcats

  1. Thunder helps me on conference calls sometimes. He’s very opinionated.

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